Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD) is a viral infection that destroys a bird's immune system and damages beak and feather cells. According to Dr. Holly Nash, a veterinarian from Doctors Foster & Smith, Inc, this highly contagious disease is spread through droppings and feather dusts that contaminate the cage, food and water.
If infected while the bird is young, a parakeet will show signs of depression and weight loss. Feathers will become loose and break easily. Meanwhile, signs in older birds include bare skin due to loss of feathers and deformed and discolored feathers. Their beaks can become fractured or irregularly shaped. A green tint, as well as mucus, may also be present in their droppings.
Psittacine beak and feather disease is a viral disease that is found in parrots, which are also known as psittacines. The acute form of the disease is manifested by lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. Due to the severe suppression of the immune system, multiple secondary viral and bacterial infections will develop, which will cause the death within two to four weeks.
There is currently no specific treatment for the virus. The experimental vaccine has been proven to provide protection against the virus, but is likely to accelerate the disease in parrots already infected with the virus. A new vaccine developed by Dr. Siwo de Kloet protects birds from the virus and does not endanger birds already infected with PBFD.
Sabtu, 18 September 2010
Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease
Common Diseases in Pet Birds
Papillomatosis - This is a sickness that causes pink wart like cauliflower growths in the oral cavities of the bird. This of course can cause the bird to eventually suffocate if left untreated. This illness is spread through preening and any close contact with other birds that may provide the potential for spreading the sickness. Signs include open mouth breathing, weezing, and an extreme difficulty while eating. This is most common to birds found in Southern and Central America.
Psittacosis - is a zoonotic infectious disease caused by a bacterium called Chlamydophila psittaci (formerly Chlamydia psittaci) and contracted not only from parrots, such as macaws, cockatiels and budgerigars, but also from pigeons, sparrows, ducks, hens, gulls and many other species of bird. The incidence of infection in canaries and finches is believed to be lower than in psittacine birds. This can cause your bird to show a decrease of appetite, constant diarrhea, mucus forming around the eyes, lethargy, weightloss, and noticeable depression in your bird.
Polyfollicles, Polyfolliculitis - This results in the development of multiple feathers from a single shaft. When this happens, it could cause a great deal of regular inflamation in the bird. This obviously could cause your bird a lot of pain and will result in regular scratching with the claws. It is important to watch closing to ensure that your bird doesn't cut themselves deeply with their claws while scratching.
Brown Hypertrophy - This is where the area containing the nostrils of the bird, the Cere, is cornified and keratinized. This could potentially create a horn looking appearance on the bird over time. a condition in birds especially budgerigars, less commonly other psittacines, characterized by hyperplasia, cornification and keratinization of the cere. It may occlude the nares and cause beak breathing.
Feather Cysts is a condition that can affect all bird species, and causes of a swollen, painful lump at the site of an affected feather follicle. Birds that are affected by feather cysts are in need of prompt veterinary care to correct the problem.